Novo Nordiskin yhteiskävely
Novo Nordisk järjestää yhteiskävelyn Maailman diabetespäivänä, torstaina 14.11. ja haastaa kaikki Säterinportin yritykset osallistumaan tapahtumaan.
Säterinportti tarjoaa Suomen viihtyisimmän ja elinvoimaisimman työympäristön.
Säterinportti is an office campus consisting of five buildings, whose multifunctional and convertible office spaces are designed to support the well-being of employees. In Säterinportti, the well-thought-out workspaces meet luxury amenities such as a high-quality lunch restaurant, a café and the unique Comfort Zone located in the heart of the campus. The Comfort Zone is not only suitable for a more relaxed working but also for relaxing without any work. A state-of-the art gym and supporting wellness services guarantee that work, life and health all remain in good balance.
Säterinportti's concept is built around well-being and as a proof of success, the property was awarded with a WELL certificate, the very first one in Finland. And to mark the accomplishments in other areas, a BREEAM certificate serves as a guarantee for consideration of the environment and compliance with the principles of sustainable construction.
From the start, even the very first sketches made to redevelop the vacant property focused on promoting well-being. In the planning phase we said it out loud: Säterinportti aims to be the best working environment in Finland. Well-being at work stands on four pillars: healthy nutrition, exercise, sense of community and recovery.
alkaen, sillä jo suunnitteluvaiheessa Säterinportti tähtäsi Suomen
hyvinvoivimmaksi työympäristöksi. Työssä jaksaminen rakentuu neljästä peruspilarista: terveellinen ravinto, liikunta, yhteisöllisyys ja palautuminen.
A top-quality fitness centre offers a great workout and gym classes.
The complementary offerings of the restaurant and the café make it easy to make healthy choices.
The comfort zone's relaxed ambience and games from darts to foosball invite you to take a break.
Wellness services and the events we organise in Säterinportti help you recover from a hard day of work.
Located in Leppävaara, at the intersection of Turunväylä and Kehä I, Säterinportti is easily accessible by public transport and by car from different parts of the Metropolitan Area. Despite its urban location, the large windows offer amazing views in all directions: nature, sea and the beautiful silhouette of Helsinki.
Säterinportti organizes events for its tenants, and our tenants also organize quite a few themselves. There’s something going on almost every day in the fitness centre and on a weekly basis in Wonderland.
Novo Nordisk järjestää yhteiskävelyn Maailman diabetespäivänä, torstaina 14.11. ja haastaa kaikki Säterinportin yritykset osallistumaan tapahtumaan.
Jaanan aamuspinnu palaa lukkariin ti 3.9. alkaen. Tunnit joka tiistai klo 7-7.45 joulukuun puoleen väliin saakka. Luvassa Jaanan mielestä hyvää musiikkia ja tietysti super tehokas treeni!
Viherpesutalous-kirjan kirjoittaja Antti Isokangas saapuu Säterinportin Blue Roomiin to 10.10. klo 14-15 kertomaan vastuullisuusaiheisesta markkinoinnista ja viestinnästä yhteiskunnallisten ja taloudellisten muutosten sekä käytännön
toteutuksen tasolla. Tervetuloa!
The most comfortable and vibrant work environment in Finland. If you don't believe us, try it yourself!
Pack your laptop and bring a couple of colleagues, have lunch in the newly refurbished restaurant and work out in the gym. During or after work, you can relax with a game of billiards or a golf simulator and visit the sauna.