Kaikki palvelut hyvää oloa ja fiilistä varten


All amenities in Säterinportti have been designed to support well-being and help you to recover from job strain. Two excellent restaurants offer healthy nutrition, Comfort Zone kicking back and spending time with co-workers, and the fitness and wellness services exercise and relaxation.

Good choices are easy to make


The bright and spacious gym has the latest technology and guarantees a pleasant exercise.  

Gym classes

Bodypump, cross training, yoga, pilates, spinning, Zumba and many more. The right choice for every fitness level. 

Personal Training

A wellness plan customized by a professional is an effective way to start improving your fitness.

Small groups

In small group coaching, you get personal guidance, help and tips more affordably than in individual coaching.

Live Stream classes

If you want, you can work out from home. Virtual classes are included in the monthly fee for gym classes without extra charge.

Sports and exercise

The Säterinportti fitness centre has everything you need for an effective workout.

Reason n:o 4


Invest in yourself. Feel better, exceed expectations.

Nutrition is a vital part of well-being

For us, food is a topic of conversation in itself!

Breakfast and snacks

Café & Lunch Bob serves breakfast every weekday from 8 am to 10 am. Specialty coffees, sandwiches, delicacies and healthy snacks are all on the menu.


The hugely popular Dylan Lepuski serves the hungry with several warm food options, a salad buffet featuring the legendary tuna mayo. Bob lunch & café offers a salad and soup lunch.

Online store

You can order catering for your own events of 20-200 people from Dylan Lepuski Online store. You can order menu options from breakfast to street food and everything in between.

Catering and private events

Parties of any size can be organized at Dylan Lepuski, whether it's a birthday or a business event. The space is suitable for events of up to 500 people (250 seated).

Coffee and snacks for tasty meetings

Various meeting menus available from both restaurants quickly and flexibly.

Front Desk

The front desk receives guests and advises on practical matters, like how to navigate the property on weekdays from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Meeting rooms

11 conference rooms are comfortable and well-equipped, and you can use them flexibly and pay by the hour. Booking facilities online is easy.

Auditorium & class room

Suurten tilaisuuksien tai koulutusten järjestämistä varten ei tarvitse lähteä merta edemmäs kalaan, sillä kiinteistössä on vuokrattavissa 25 henkilön luokkahuone ja 128 henkilön auditorio ajanmukaisella teknologialla.

Sauna & lounge

The sauna and lounge facilities on the 4th floor with a private terrace are an excellent option for organizing a relaxed event. The saunas also heat up regularly for everyday use.

Coffee and snacks for tasty meetings

Catering for all events can be ordered from Soupster, which operates Säterinportti's two restaurants.

Front desk and meeting rooms

Presentable conference rooms for every occasion.

Wellness and beauty services

Hair, nails, face, eyelashes - whether you're looking for maintenance or a pampering treatment, we’ve got you.

Beauty centre Säterinportti

All the services of a beauty and hair salon, from manicures to sugaring and body massage.


Comprehensive body care services include physiotherapy, osteopathy, acupuncture, massage, cryo treatments and much more.
